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Monday, June 30, 2014

What do single people eat? You are what you eat...

What do single people eat?  If you are a guy, you may eat fast food.  If you are a girl, you may eat fast food, too.  Or, if you're like me, you are trying to avoid being the old single guy at the bar ordering dinner from the same bartender night after night.  You know that guy, you've seen him!!!  Anyway, the food portions at restaurants and fast food joints are enormous now.  Who needs all of that food?  We don't…  We simply don't need all of that food.  Now, do I eat the occasional fast food or the occasional restaurant?  Of course, I eat out!  However, eating out most of the time is really bad for you and I already have enough bad habits.

So, I learned and I am still learning to cook healthy at home.  With that said, I am not a health nut or fanatic by any stretch of the means.  I simply know that cooking at home is healthier in general.  You don't get as much salt and preservatives if you are buying correctly.  However, don't expect some Dr. Oz recipes on here, either.  No one in their right mind would eat that crap unless they absolutely HAD to eat it.  So here are a few tips that I've learned along the way.

One, don't use as much margarine.  Margarine is gross and our ancestors grew up on butter so why are we so quick to dismiss it?  With that said, everything in moderation.  I like to use mostly EVOO or Extra Virgin Olive Oil when cooking.  If you want some butter taste, then add a little to the EVOO.  Your triglycerides are thanking me right now and Dr. Oz is thanking me because of the omega fatty acids that you'll be getting (so I'm not anti-Dr. Oz just his food suggestions are NASTY!).

Two, don't use low fat anything unless it is naturally lower in fat (like Greek yogurt).  Do you realize how disgusting the chemicals are in low fat ranch!!!  If you don't want the calories or the saturated fats, then use EVOO and red wine, balsamic, or some other type of vinegar.

Tip number three may be my favorite piece of advice.  EAT LEFT OVERS!!!!!  That's right, I said eat left overs.  Oh!…. and freeze stuff.  If it weren't for my freezer and left overs, I would be broke.  You can make all kinds of things to stick in the freezer.  The "family" packs at the grocery store is a great deal but you don't have a family.  Well, guess what… that is a way for you to take advantage of the "family" grocery deals!

So, there is a lot to be said and I will continue talking on this subject.  However, there is too much for one post.  Take this is a teaser and ask yourself this one question, "Do I want to be fast food?".

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hi There!

My name is Molly.  I live in a relatively small town in Indiana.  Recently, my cousin suggested that I start a blog.  I thought, why not!  So here I am to give you my best tips on living single as a woman.  There with me in my picture is another single lady, my mom.  Trust me, I've learned great things from that lady and I will be sharing a lot of that with you!  I hope you enjoy.  I look forward to posting and enjoying my life with you!

Single Ladies Rule!!!
